Re-engaging Mental Pathways {Quilt Design a Day}

Even though, I have been administrating Quilt Design a Day, it has been a while where I have been practicing on a regular basis. It was time that changed, time to get my brain re-engaged.

Here are my recent quilt design a day designs. There ones I like and more I don’t like, but that’s what I like about the challenge.

Inspiration: Succulent Leaf

Source: Design Seeds


Inspiration: Easter Eggs

Source: Design Seeds


Inspiration: Center of the flower

Source: Design Seeds


This one had a few iterations before landing on this one:

Below are Iterations 1 & 2:

Inspiration: Seaside Pools

Source: Design Seeds


Inspiration: Group of Succulents

Source: Design Seeds


Inspiration: Paint Powder

Source: Design Seeds

Design 1: Lines

Design 2: Lines & Curves

Inspiration: Doorway

Source: Design Seeds

Design: Final Design was rotated from the literal representation of the door way.

Original Orientation and design:

It’s been fun getting back into it and getting the mental pathways for designing working again. This week (starting tomorrow) is our Medallion Week Challenge, where folks build on their design each day until they have a Medallion quilt (center + 6 rows). The theme is going to be architecture.

Come by and take a look at what folks are coming up with. For more of my designs from QDAD check out my page.

Please Note: If you would like to make or use one of my designs, please email me (ml_wilkie(at)hotmail(dot)com) or leave a comment below. I am happy to talk with you on options and provide the relevant measurements etc. or have you test out a pattern. Also, if you use one of my designs, please use the following text to credit me the design: “Designed by Michelle Wilkie @ Factotum of Arts”.


9 thoughts on “Re-engaging Mental Pathways {Quilt Design a Day}

  1. golfheader

    Oh WOW, you have hit multiple home runs!
    You knocked it out of the ball park! I love all your designs and inspiration pictures! I wish I had the time to make all of them! You are so amazing! I am in awe of you!

  2. Mary

    Michelle, your designs are fantastic and so inspirational. Thank you for being so generous and always sharing your designs. I vow to you

  3. karen s

    I’m so glad QDAD is back! After the winter we’ve had–weather and otherwise–I know MY brain needs a reset 🙂 Thanks for sharing your amazing creativity with us!

  4. Karen Owens

    Mere words cannot convey how I am overwhelmed by your designs and the wonderful way you incorporated all the colors. You are truly gifted. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  5. Melody A.

    all of them are fantastic, but I LOVE the Doorway block and the design for the succulents! Are there measurements somewhere to make these? If I have to choose one , well, then the Doorway , love the idea. glad you are posting these again, love looking through your designs. take care from Iowa

  6. Teri+Teayl

    I think it’s incredible the way you turned the gorgeous pictures into even more beautiful quilts. And the colours! If you ever need a tester, I would love the chance to make one!

  7. Emily

    I love the final design of the doorway! Thanks so much for the giveaway I’m really feeling thrilled:) 🙂


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